Thursday, May 28, 2009

It's Thursday, but I Didn't Tell you about Monday

As you know, Monday was Memorial Day. As a teenager, Memorial Day was one of my favorite holidays because my friend's family had a pool, and Memorial Day was "opening day." I would get up early, get ready, and head over to the Murphy house for a day of swimming, snacking, and all around fun. The thing I liked about getting to the Murphy house early was that her family had a flag raising ceremony to celebrate the true meaning of Memorial Day. We would all congregate outside and hang a flag on the garage. Then we would say the Pledge of Allegiance, sing "God Bless America", and pray for our country. It was a special time.

Well, this past Memorial Day didn't have a flag ceremony for us, but it did involve a day full of family and friends. To begin with, we went out for breakfast (really brunch) as a family. I don't know about you, but I love to eat breakfast out. I know it is eggs, but they taste better when I don't have to do the cooking and clean-up.

Later in the afternoon, we went over to our friend's house for swimming and bbq. I was a bit nervous about the swim party because it was with families from our church - and some of them we hadn't seen since we left. I was afraid it would be awkward. Instead, it was just what my heart needed - a reminder of the love from this church family. We had good food and good fun.

Brother was is heaven with the swimming - I didn't even capture his photo. Sister was so cute because she was able to play with her "best friend." The girls are 6 months apart and LOVE each other. Even through they haven't played together for a couple of months, Sister constantly "talks" to her friend on her play phone. They were so excited to be together again. They are 2 peas in a pod and it is so sweet to see their friendship forming at such a young age. My prayer is that our moving won't hinder Sister in making friendships in the future.

So, I'm thankful. Thankful for my family. Thankful for our friends. Thankful for a day to remember the men and women who gave their lives for the safety of my country.

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