Thursday, April 30, 2009

Boy Crazy

Do you just love your kids? I mean really!?! Today I was dropping the boy off at school, and when he stepped out of the car, my heart was sad - not like disappointed, but sad to send him into the big world of school. I know he is in second grade - it's not like it was the first time he walked into that school. I just love him so much and I want so very much for him. As I cried and prayed on the way home, I wondered if other mothers feel that same way about their kids. I know you must because - although they may push us to the very edge on some occasions - they are just the greatest gift on Earth. When I was pregnant, an old lady in our church called babies "immigrants from Heaven." Isn't that just sweet?

And wow! Who couldn't love this little bundle of goodness?

Not only is he good looking, but he is fun to be around. I don't think there is any other child out there who can tell you an elaborate story about a kid at school, have you sucked in, then end with, "Well, at least that is how I suspect it happened." Or what 8 year old will stop playing with his friends at recess to chase his 3-year-old sister when her preschool class comes out to the playground? Mine will because that is the kind of kid he is. (Of course, he wouldn't go near her the next day.) Brother is an incredible kid. He is articulate and wise beyond his years. At 8, he shows himself to be an incredible leader, and I pray everyday that he will use that gift for God's glory and not his own. I am so very blessed to be his mother. He is the child for which I prayed, and he is greatly loved.

Thank you for letting a mom share the overflow of her heart. It will happen again - because in all fairness, Sister will have to have her day. Just in case she reads then when she is older. Hug your kiddos!

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