Monday, July 20, 2009

You Take the Good, You take the bad ...

... The Facts of Life

Well, this is the day. The packers are coming today. That means my endless hours of purging and preparing have come to an end, and I am one step closer to being a complete family unit again. YIPPEE!

It also means that my mother is here. I was near crazy within the first hour of her arrival. It seems that I didn't clean enough for the packers. I will get over this (or at least through it). I will never measure up to her expectations. Should I yell and scream, telling her how I've juggled moving details with single parenting and how that isn't all too easy? No, I will just let her do her thing and know that I will be with my dear husband tomorrow night. This too shall pass.

It also means that I will be losing my internet and computer by this evening. We are all set to be FANCY in the new diggs - with the new AT&T U-VERSE. However, they cannot come out and install it for a week. It will be sad living as a pioneer without TV, Phone, and computer for a whole week, but at least we will have lights and running water.

So, as they say in the trucking world, "Catch you on the flip-flop." I will be back with great tales and adventures.

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