Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Somethin' New...

You learn something new everyday. Wanna know what I learned today? Sure you do!

I learned that when your worn-out bra only has one clasp left, it is best to throw it away.

You see, I was just going to be working around the house today, so I figured, "No big deal."

Then, the Fed-Ex truck came and when I jumped up from my furniture building (this time a TV stand), BOING. The last remaining clasp snapped, and there went the support - faster than a floozie's bra at a frat house.

Needless to say, I didn't greet Mr. Fed-Ex at the door.

That's all I have for today.


  1. And now you get to go bra shopping. Which is quite an indulgence.

    So take it as a gift from the Lord.

    And you also didn't have to stare the creepy FedEx guy in his face. Blessing Number 2.


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