Friday, March 27, 2009

On a Lighter Note

My kids are the absolute light of my life. Motherhood has its full of frustration, but it also has its moments of complete and utter joy. So, I thought I'd share with you some of this month's highlights.

  • Toward the beginning of the month, sweet Sister had the flu, despite getting the flu shot. Anyway, the next week, out weather was cloudy, cold, and just blah. Here is a conversation we had in the car during that dreary week:

    S: I think the sun is sick
    Me: Sick?
    S: Yes! I think it has the flu.
    Me: Why do you think that?
    S: I think that it has been in bed under the "cloud covers" for a few days.
  • Brother is naturally smart - like in a "where did he get that" kind of way. Because learning comes easy to him, he has poor study skills. Unfortunately, I'm not very good at checking and double-checking his homework assignments to make sure he is "on task." Well this week, he came home and reminded me that his book report is due on Friday. When I asked if he was done reading the book, his quick reply was, "No, but I know enough about it. I will pull it off." Unfortunately, I know he is right.
  • Sister had a bad dream the other night. I guess it was the first time she had really ever had one. When she came into my room, instead of telling me she had a bad dream, she said, "Mommy, there were monsters in my eyes."

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